The meaning of the SYKK symbols
Symbols are carriers of intelligence and are part of "energetic information medicine". The geometric shapes give strength, strengthen courage and activate self-healing. Symbols have a life of their own and are triggers for universal codes that are stored in the body.
S= Sine wave
It stands for the "higher intelligence" that penetrates us in the form of waves. These are waves of light that now provide people with huge amounts of cosmic information to raise their consciousness and at the same time reverse harmful vibrations.
It is a high-frequency signal that also has the ability to set liquid in motion.
From a global perspective, the wave stands for the fact that the Earth is approaching a "galactic tidal wave of light".
Y = Ypsilon
It is an energy booster. We can fill up on fresh life energy. The Ypsilon looks like a funnel: energy flows in from above, concentrates it and transforms everything positively.
Everything positive is reinforced, negative is transformed into positive.
The sign symbolizes the fact that man is a connecting module between heaven and earth.
Everything regenerates, and the ypsilon symbol also neutralizes toxins of all kinds.
K= isosceles cross
It is a sign of protection and defense against negative energies. It stands for the elimination of water veins and has a neutralizing effect.
It helps us to better accept and balance opposites such as masculine and feminine and to feel well protected.
The cross stands for the four wind directions and the balance of the four elements, fire, water, earth and air.
The center stands for the element ether, the essence of all life and the fifth heart chamber, which represents the divine spark in every human being.
K= Circle
A circle has neither a starting point nor an end point and is therefore a symbol of infinity.
It stands for the divine order. It is the God-form and symbolizes the unity consciousness from which we originally come and stands for the perfection of all being.
The circle helps to absorb and hold higher frequencies from the universe and then spread them further on earth. The symbol encourages us to live our light.