Bovis analysis

Measurement protocol

to determine the energetic effectiveness of the SYKK Family room harmonizer by means of a radionic method of the company BIORES, Dresden, Germany.

Measuring method

The BIORES radionics system is used to determine the subtle resonances of the state of animate and inanimate objects; among other things, this method can be used to determine the Bovis units (BE) of rooms.

Measurement setup

The BIORES radionics system was used to measure the Bovis units (BE) before the room harmonizer was installed and over the following 11 days. The measurement was carried out at the same time of day with an unchanged measuring arrangement in order to obtain comparable results. The room harmonizer was installed in a standard home in

Brick construction with average radio wave exposure and installed according to SYKK specifications.

Measurement results

Interpretation of the measurement results

The room harmonizer increased the BE in the test environment from 5,000 to 15,900 within the first 24 hours after installation, whereby dips, which presumably occurred due to external interference, were compensated for within a short time. 

Under 6000 BE: Energy-sapping
16 %
6500 BE: (Neutral value/healthy person)
50 %
Over 6,500 BE (Energy-giving)
100 %

What are Bovis units and what are they used for?

Bovis units are a unit of measurement for vital energy (also known as prana or chi). The origin of this value lies in the research of a scientist after whose name this value was named. The Frenchman Alfred Bovis was a physicist who lived from 1871 to 1947. Thanks to Bovis's research, it is now possible to measure life energy, which for a long time was considered unproven.

The representation of the vital energy of food, remedies, water and, of course, the vital radiation in people themselves is of great importance. It is important, for example, to measure the Bovis units of substances or fields that our body comes into contact with in order to get an idea of the influence they have on our body.

Bovis values and health

Conclusions can be drawn about a person's health based on the body bovis units. Just as with people, it is possible to check other organisms, objects, substances and places to see whether they give or take away energy and thus have a detrimental or beneficial effect on the health of each individual. The standard Bovis value of a healthy average person is between 7,000 and 10,000 Bovis units.