(Re)Balance your Health

The SYKK FAMILY creates a unique frequency and oscillation field in your home - the immune system can regulate itself and your self-healing powers are stimulated.

Weaknesses in the physical, mental and emotional areas can be quickly balanced out.

The high-energy SYKK immunomodulator creates a harmonious atmosphere in the living area and generates a permanent, light-filled field of pure life energy:

THE helper for the transition to the new era!

News & Press


Time of Change TV

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The small power pack for on the go.

Find out about the current issues of our time free of charge. 


What does the press write about our SYKK. 

Analysis & evaluation


Daniela S., Graz
My little daughter Ronja, 4 years old, often had stomach pains and no doctor or therapy could help us. We were really desperate. Since we have had the SYKK at home, her stomach pains have disappeared and have not returned in the four months that we have had the SYKK.
Daniela S., Graz
Erich W.
I have suffered from electrosensitivity for years and used to hide away at home - today I can leave my apartment without any problems, the regulator seems to have built up a protective suit against the omnipresent electrosmog in me.
Erich W.
I suffered from depression and burnout for years. Since I've had the SYKK Family, I've become much calmer and more relaxed. My negative carousel of thoughts has stopped and I was able to stop taking my medication.
Heiner S.


SYKK FAMILY provides pure life energy