HRV evaluation

Heart rate variability - the measure of health

Heart rate variability (HRV) is a measure of the overall adaptability of an organism and therefore a measure of health.

Monitoring your HRV values can provide you with new and helpful insights. This includes assessing your fitness level or what effects unhealthy stress really has on your body, mind and soul.

You will also quickly find out whether and to what extent certain lifestyle factors such as a healthy diet, sufficient exercise, meditation or a relaxed atmosphere in your living area have a positive influence on your health.

Heart rate variability is calculated from the exact millisecond intervals between a person's individual heartbeats. The change in these intervals is a measure of the regulatory capacity of the autonomic nervous system.

This controls all essential functional processes in the human organism. The interaction of its two branches - the sympathetic nervous system for performance and the parasympathetic nervous system or vagus for regeneration - can be recorded and visualized by measuring heart rate variability as evidence-based vegetative function diagnostics.

This graph shows the HRV image* of Daniela S., a 35-year-old psychotherapist from Graz. The black bars at the top of the image, together with the dashed fire area below, indicate severe disturbances of the heart rhythm, which the therapist had been suffering from for some time.

During this time (2 p.m. to 3 p.m.), the therapist was sitting in her car on the way to her practice, where she resonated with the SYKK vibration field for the first time.

From 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. the HRV measurement then shows - almost from one moment to the next - virtually no more extrasystoles.

As you can clearly see, they started again at 5 p.m. when Daniela S. was back in the car on her way home.

Only when she had set up the SYKK energy dispenser again at home at 8 p.m. did the rhythm disturbances quickly disappear again. "It's impressive," says the visibly amazed psychotherapist, "how quickly and gently I got back into a state of relaxation."

*Measured with the HRV recorder from "Autonom Health"